PLEASE CARPOOL!!! Parking is limited and edges will be soft.
GO SLOW!! single lane road.
(Directions removed at request of SRH)
Continue all the way to the end…left around the curve by the mailboxes, up to the top and left around the curve. I will have signs out. More detailed directions are below.
Author: aurorawg
Aurora Walks Gently, MA, BF, CFMW has been consciously healing, sharing, and exploring well-being, sustainability, and community for over two decades. Her work draws upon training and studies including Reiki, Shamanism, Ayurvedic Aromatherapy, Brain Gym®, Al-Anon, Peace Studies (with a focus on indigenous restorative justice), Positive Psychology, Permaculture, and Access Consciousness®. She carries the sacred pipe and pours sweat lodge in the Bear Tribe and Panther Lodge traditions.
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