Please Be Patient…

I’ve been guided to stop playing small and use my name for my website and business.  Spirit Song will remain for products such as my energetic essences…

For now, everything from that site has been copied to this one and I’ll be updating this one.

Thanks for finding me and reaching for Greater Possibilities!!!


Every Month…at least 3 chances to experience and learn about Access Bars!

I’m excited to be creating more possibilities for people to learn ab0ut and experience Access Consciousness® and the Bars®.  In addition to private and group sessions, specialty classes, and special events, Every month I will be offering:

~ Free Introduction to Access Consciousness and the Bars followed by a Coaching/Clearing Session where we put the tools to use ($30)

~ A Community Bars Share – Practitioners who desire can receive coaching and swap sessions and community members who haven’t experienced the Bars yet can receive a special rate for mini sessions.  Military, police and firefighters (current and former) can receive free mini sessions

~Access Bars Class – Receive and Gift 2 Bars sessions , become certified to offer Bars sessions to friends and family and even for profit!  For massage therapists, I’m approved to offer NCBTMB CEU’s for both the class (8 CEUs) and a follow-up Bars Share (2 CEUs).

How does it get better than that?  Look for upcoming specialty introductions based on the books Pragmatic Psychology, Joy of Business, and Money Isn’t the Problem, You Are.